Thursday, December 29, 2011

23:59 horror movie!

dad get tickets for premiere movie for us! sista,brota,motha,and dadda! 
get to know more people over there , and get to see those actress:)
too bad i didn't take picture with them due to im still having my swollen face, 
so yeah. I just take them without me. hahahha :D 
I met my dad's friend, Karen Lee. quite friendly and she ask me to send my profile to her! 
Im seriously interesting on her job which is organizing these events.
and i saw 黃啟銘Ming with dad

look at my sis, so syok :D

Saw some facebook friends over there. 
and one ! 
a horror person , all with green, no smile, no eye contact, green skin color! 

so silly :D

钟小玉so pretttyyyy <3 

The emcee asked me question, and I get the answer! 
so I get their movie shirt and also a small notebook:)

talk about the movie,
for me, it's not so horror and i rank it 5/10.
lol, this director used his 10 years time to direct and write this story
about a extraordinary girl which has powerful skill to kill a person who curse her or hate her.
her mother leave her since she was about kid age.
and, when the boys ( the soldiers ) main actor coming into the forest , 
horror scene start now! 


watch it ! 
i'm scare because i'm going to NS next week.
wish me good luck not to see "them" , 

Ciao! :) 

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